West Coast Meter is a Commercial Vehicle Upfitter located in Vancouver, British Columbia. Having been in operation for over 60 years, we specialize in quality installations of mobile electronic equipment including radios, data terminals, GPS and security systems, plus much more. We provide upfitting for government…

West Coast Meter is BC’s largest installer of taxi equipment, providing the taxi industry with such equipment as taximeters, toplights and wiring harnesses. Taxi Fleet Upfitting is our specialty, having installed several of the largest radio/data fleets throughout British Columbia, including the Metro Vancouver taxicab…

WCM stays up to date with Vehicle Safety. We are certified installers of Mobileye Collision Avoidance Systems, which is the latest advancement in accident prevention. The system utilizes an intelligent vision sensor that views the road ahead, like a bionic eye. It can identify objects in your driver’s path that may pose…